Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Very First Migraine

Today absolutely sucked. I woke up at 9:07am. I had a ton of work to do. This included shipping out three little orders, paying bills, and reserving expo booths for the months of March and April. I thought for a minute that I might just be dehydrated so I got up to get a glass of water. I immediately noticed that getting up and looking into the light made it much much worse. I tried to sleep it off, woke up at 11:00 and noticed that the water I had two hours earlier, did absolutely nothing for me. I felt even worse.
I've had maybe 3 or 4 episodes in my life where I got absolutely trashed the night before and had hangover that made me want to crush my skull, this was far worse. I took some of my dad's Vicodin and tried to go back to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to see my sweet little nephew entertaining my mother doing simply nothing but showing off his dimples. Its funny how simple it is, at that age, to please people. It gets so much more difficult to use your looks to get what you want after you age a little. I complained to my mother about the pain and took another dose of the narcotic. Probably shouldn't publish this. My little nephew had noticed the look on my face and said "Your head hurts?". His mother, my mother, and I each got excited that he said something. How cute! But my head did hurt, and it wasn't going away.
I went to sleep a little longer. Not sure when I woke up, around 4 maybe. The pain was so bad I was sweating, no fever, just sweat. I pressed my head up against anything that was cold and hard. I opened the back door because it was so hot in the house I needed some fresh cold air. My dog and the dog I'm sitting, Mila, run inside with their muddy feet, my mother proceeded to telling me why I shouldn't let them in. I ignored her and did nothing to make them go back outside. The nausea began. The whole watering of the mouth, the tightening of the stomach muscles (God knew I needed an ab workout), the throbbing of my skull....I walked outside and started dry heaving near the muddy side of the koi pond. Nothing happened. I walked inside to check my temperature with a rectal thermometer we've had since I can remember. I'm pretty sure we've never used these correctly because I've always taken my temperature underneath my tongue. 98 degrees...something still felt wrong. The thermometer had made me gag! I ran to the bathroom, didn't make it to the toilet. Filled the sink with bile and what was left of the thick grains of cinnamon cheerios I tried to each at 11:00 this morning. Yuck. I went back to sleep. My mom said "Sometimes throwing up makes me feel better." how funny it was for me to hear her say that considering how thin she is. Went back to sleep for a couple more hours, Mom woke me up offering to make me soup, which actually meant she was going to microwave a can of soup for me. I took some tylenol and tried to eat some soup, couldn't eat much. My dad was already home trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I went back to bed and he told me he was going to run to the store to get me some excedrine. He came back after I had fallen asleep again with excedrine and purple gatorate, as per my request. I took it, and went back to sleep.
I woke up a couple hours later, with no headache. It was a miracle. It was 9:30pm, what a way to spend a day. Spent the evening playing with an acrylic display I had received and reading a book called "Old Jewelry" it's 12:49am and I have yet to feel sleepy, but I'm gonna try to sleep I guess. Tomorrow I'm going to be working double time! Watch out world!